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First Digit Values 0 = C 1 = C Sharp (C#) 2 = D 3 = D Sharp (D#) 4 = E 5 = F 6 = F Sharp (F#) 7 = G 8 = G Sharp (G#) 9 = A A = A Sharp (A#) B = B C = Rest (Rs) The second digit value denotes the length of the note, from 0 (longest) to 9 (shortest) As to the probability of these values directly relating to Whole, Half, Quarter (etc) notes seems fairly low. D8(O1) to DB(O4) are Octave Shifts, D8 being lowest and DB being highest. IV: Repeating and Looping: -------------------------- D0(Lp ~Address~) = Loop Pointer, the next two values denote the address to go to.* D1(Rp ~Address~) = Repeat Pointer, the next two values denote the address to play once.* D2 to D7 are Play Address twice to Play Address 7 times DC to DF are of currently Unknown Value *See VII: Pointer Format & Usage for more information V: Musical Control Strings -------------------------- F denotes the begining of a Musical Control String (M.C.S.), and the next 7 digits will make large differences in the song. These M.C.S.s always appear at the begining of a song, but that doesnt mean that is the only place it can be used. 6 digit (3 byte) M.C.S.s appear often in the middle of songs (The Battle music is a good example of how these can be used numerous times in one song) 4 byte M.C.S. (F8 FB 05 E0) Tempo A-E, F causes all music to Silence | | This digit seems valuable only as F so far | | | |Seems to be note scale (Speed and Tempo) | || | || This byte does nothing of any known value | || | | || |Note Length | || || | || || Musical Sound | || || ,| | || || || F*-**-**-** is a control Header so to speak, A 3 byte M.C.S. appear often in mid song and are similar to 4 byte ones, except there is no tempo value. FF always Silences all music and im not sure there is way to start it up again. "N.Instrm" means that the said values are Changing the sound of the music (E.G F8-08-EE in the middle of song) VI: The Master Music Table -------------------------- [Offset: 34010 - 340CF] This section of data tells the game where all the data for the songs begins. If you look at the hex, you'll notice every set of six bytes are seperated by two zeroes. Each set of six is the pointer locations for where each song starts, and each set of two within a set is the location of the data for each of the three channels that can be used for music in FF (Square 1, Square 2, and Triangle). Data is always stored in the Master Music Table in the order just listed, so the first two bytes are the start location for Square 1, the third and fourth Square 2, etc. This shows the order of the songs in the MMT. Thusly, the first set of six is the Prelude, etc, etc... 1 Prelude 2 Prologue 3 Ending 4 Overworld 5 Ship 6 Airship 7 Town 8 Coneria Castle 9 Dungeon 1 10 Dungeon 2 11 Dungeon 3 12 Dungeon 4 13 Dungeon 5 14 Dungeon 6 15 Shop 16 Battle 17 Menu 18 Dead 19 Fanfare 20 Item Received 21 Treasure Box 22 Item Received 2 23 Treasure Box 2 VII: Pointer Format & Usage --------------------------- The MMT and the loop/repeat pointers in the music data itself use the SetOff 4000 system. Here's an example of how to use it: Figure 1: Prelude Pointers ************************** [C080BD81BC82] This is the pointer data for the Prelude. Let's break them apart just for the hell of it: C080 BD81 BC82 The way to calculate the actual address in the ROM these pointers are aiming at goes like this: Example 1: Square 1 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ [C080] Now take the pointer and swap the bytes: 80C0 Now subtract $4000 from the thousands place: 40C0 Now add $10 to the tens place: 40D0 Since all the music data is within the 30000 area of the ROM, add a 3 to the beginning of the number: 340D0 This is the beginning offset of the first M.C.S. for the channel in question. To generate a pointer from an address, so you can tell loop/repeat commands where to jump to, just reverse the process: 340D0 40D0 40C0 80C0 C080 (Pointer) VIII: Song Data Locations ------------------------- [MMT Pointer/Offset/Name] C0 80 / 340D0 / Prelude Square 1 BD 81 / 341CD / Prelude Square 2 BC 82 / 342CC / Prelude Triangle: Not used for this song (Points to Prologue's Triangle data.) C1 82 / 342D1 / Prologue Square 1 0B 83 / 3431B / Prologue Square 2 57 83 / 34367 / Prologue Triangle 4E 9B / 34395 / Ending Square 1 1B 9C / 3442C / Ending Square 2 B7 9C / 35CB7 / Ending Triangle 3C 88 8C 88 03 89 FF 89 6B 8A 3D 8B 0F 8C 90 8C DE 8C 3A 8F 6D 8F B0 8F 54 8D 84 8D E4 8D F3 90 F4 91 7B 92 85 83 1C 84 E7 84 C0 85 28 86 6A 86 04 93 40 93 10 94 E4 8F 45 90 B8 90 C5 86 0D 87 D5 87 01 8E 5D 8E A3 8E 8C 94 9F 95 BE 96 CC 97 01 98 36 98 8D 98 CB 98 F3 98 19 99 7E 99 DB 99 63 9A 7D 9A 95 9A C0 80 BD 81 BC 82 AA 9A C4 9A D1 9A E3 9A FA 9A 12 9B 2B 9B 37 9B 44 Appendix 1: Song Data --------------------- Some Musical Terms Used in this doc Prestissimo Incredibly Fast Presto Very Fast Allegro Fast Allegretto Moderatly Fast Andante Moderatly Slow Adagio Slow Larghetto Very Slow Largo Incredibly Slow Where you see Elipsis ("...") just continue the data on the next hex line. Couldnt think of a better way of seperating everything. Prelude 340D0 Main Track ++++++++++++++++++++++++ FD-F8-05-E0... Allegro, Moderately long note length D8-A7-D8-07-27-57-A7-D9-07-27-57-A7-DA-07-27-57-A7-DB-07-27-57-A7-57-27-07-DA-A7-57-27-07... O1 A# O1 C D F A# O2 C D F A# O3 C D F A# O4 C D F A# F D C O3 A# F D C D9-A7-57-27-07-D8-A7-57-27-07-D8-77-97-A7-D8-27-77-97-A7-D9-27-77-97-A7-DA-27-77-97-A7-DB... O2 A# F D C O1 A# F D C O1 G A A# O1 D G A A# O2 D G A A# O3 D G A A# O4 27-77-27-DA-A7-97-77-27-D9-A7-97-77-27-D8-A7-97-77-27-D8-A7-97-D1-C4-80-D8-77-A7-D8-37-57... D G D O3 A# A G D O2 A# A G D O1 A# A G D O1 A# A Rp 340D4 O1 G A# O1 D# F 77-A7-D9-37-57-77-A7-DA-37-57-77-A7-DB-37-57-77-57-37-DA-A7-77-57-37-D9-A7-77-57-37-D8-A7... G A# O2 D# F G A# O# D# F G A# O4 D# F G F D# O3 A# G F D# O2 A# G F D# O1 A# 77-57-37-D8-A7-D8-97-D8-07-57-77-97-D9-07-57-77-97-DA-07-57-77-97-DB-07-57-77-97-77-57-07... G F D# O1 A# O1 A O1 C F G A O2 C F G A O3 C F G A O4 C F G A G F C DA-97-77-57-07-D9-97-77-57-07-D8-97-77-57-07-D8-67-A7-D8-17-57-67-A7-D9-17-57-67-A7-DA-17... O3 A G F C O2 A G F C O1 A G F C O1 F# A# O1 C# F F# A# O2 C# F F# A# O3 C# 57-67-A7-DB-17-57-67-57-17-DA-A7-67-57-17-D9-A7-67-57-17-D8-A7-67-57-17-D8-A7-D8-87-D8-07... F F# A# O4 C# F F# F C# O3 A# F# F C# O2 A# F# F C# O1 A# F# F C# O1 A# O1 G# O1 C 37-77-87-D9-07-37-77-87-DA-07-37-77-87-DB-07-37-77-87-77-37-07-DA-87-77-37-07-D9-87-77-37... D# G G# O2 C D# G G# O3 C D# G G# O4 C D# G G# G D# C O3 G# G D# C O2 G# G D# 07-D8-87-77-37-07-D0-C4-80 C O1 G# G D# C Lp 340D4 Prelude 341CD Acompaniment FD-F8-05-E2... Allegro, Moderatly-Long Note length C7-C7-D8-A7-D8-07-27-57-A7-D9-07-27-57-A7-DA-07-27-57-A7-DB-07-27-57-A7-57-27-07-DA-A7-57... Rs Rs O1 A# O1 C D F A# O2 C D F A# O3 C D F A# O4 C D F A# F D C O3 A# F 27-07-D9-A7-57-27-07-D8-A7-57-27-07-D8-77-97-A7-D8-27-77-97-A7-D9-27-77-97-A7-DA-27-77-97... D C O2 A# F D C O1 A# F D C O1 G A A# O1 D G A A# O2 D G A A# O3 D G A A7-DB-27-77-27-DA-A7-97-77-27-D9-A7-97-77-27-D8-A7-97-77-27-D8-A7-97-D1-C3-81-D8-77-A7-D8... A# O4 D G D O3 A# A G D O2 A# A G D O1 A# A G D O1 A# A Rp 341D3 O1 G A# O1 37-57-77-A7-D9-37-57-77-A7-DA-37-57-77-A7-DB-37-57-77-57-37-DA-A7-77-57-37-D9-A7-77-57-37... D# F G A# O2 D# F G A# O# D# F G A# O4 D# F G F D# O3 A# G F D# O2 A# G F D# D8-A7-77-57-37-D8-A7-D8-97-D8-07-57-77-97-D9-07-57-77-97-DA-07-57-77-97-DB-07-57-77-97-77... O1 A# G F D# O1 A# O1 A O1 C F G A O2 C F G A O3 C F G A O4 C F G A G 57-07-DA-97-77-57-07-D9-97-77-57-07-D8-97-77-57-07-D8-67-A7-D8-17-57-67-A7-D9-17-57-67-A7... F C O3 A G F C O2 A G F C O1 A G F C O1 F# A# O1 C# F F# A# O2 C# F F# A# DA-17-57-67-A7-DB-17-57-67-57-17-DA-A7-67-57-17-D9-A7-67-57-17-D8-A7-67-57-17-D8-A7-D8-87... O3 C# F F# A# O4 C# F F# F C# O3 A# F# F C# O2 A# F# F C# O1 A# F# F C# O1 A# O1 G# D8-07-37-77-87-D9-07-37-77-87-DA-07-37-77-87-DB-07-37-77-87-77-37-07-DA-87-77-37-07-D9-87... O1 C D# G G# O2 C D# G G# O3 C D# G G# O4 C D# G G# G D# C O3 G# G D# C O2 G# 77-37-07-D8-87-77-37-07-D0-C3-81 G D# C O1 G# G D# C Lp 341D3 FD-C7-D0-BD 82 Prologue 342D1 Main Track FB-F8-07-EE... Allegretto, Moderate note length DA-05-55-75-05-A3-95-75-55-47-57-75-55-53-43-25-75-95-25-DB-03-DA-A5-95-75-67-97-75-25-93... O3 C F G C A# A G F E F G F F E D G A D O4 C O3 A# A G F3 A G D A 73-D1-C2-82-DB-22-25-02-DA-95-A5-A7-97-75-65-75-95-A5-DB-05-32-35-22-DA-A5-DB-05-07-17-05... G Rp 342D2 O4 D D C O3 A A# A# A G F# G A A# O4 C D# D# D O3 A# O4 C C C# C 07-17-05-DA-A5-95-75-D0-C2-82 C C# C O3 A# A G Rp 342D2 Prologue 3431B Acompaniment FB-F8-07-EA... Allegretto Moderate note length D9-02-27-47-55-25-45-75-25-47-57-75-77-97-A3-73-73-65-77-97-A5-75-65-DA-05-D9-A3-B3-DA-03... O2 C D E F D E G D E F G G A A# G G F# G A A# G F# O3 C O2 A# B O3 C D9-A3-D1-0C-83-A7-97-77-97-A7-C7-45-97-77-57-77-97-C7-55-75-35-25-05-23-75-95-DA-03-D9-83... O2 A# Rp 3431C A# A G A A# Rs E A G F G A Rs F G D# D C D G A O3 C O2 G# A3-73-53-57-77-87-57-73-43-D0-0C-83 A# G F F G G# F G E Lp 3431C Prologue 34367 Bass FB-F8-08-EC... Allegretto, Semi-Short-Moderate note length D9-53-43-23-03-D8-A3-B3-D9-01-A3-93-73-63-73-53-43-03-D1-58-83-A2-A5-52-55-33-23-73-53-83... O2 F E D C O1 A# B O2 C A# A G F# G F E C Rp 34268 A# A# F F D# D G F G# 33-23-73-83-DA-13-03-D9-A3-D0-58-83 D# D G G# O3 C# C O2 A# Lp 34368 Ending 34395 Main FB-F8-08-EC... Allegretto, Semi-Short-Moderate note length D9-B7-DA-27-67-D9-B7-DA-75-67-47-25-47-27-F8-08-EE-13-F8-08-EC-27-67-97-27-B5-97-77-65-77... O2 B O3 D F# O2 B O3 G F# E D E D N.Instrm C N.Instrm D F# A D B A G F# G 67-45-67-77-F8-08-EE-93-15-45-2C-CC-1C-CC-2C-CC-D9-B3-DA-77-97-B3-25-75-6C-CC-7C-CC-6C-CC... F# E F# G N.Instrm A C# E D Rs C# Rs D Rs O2 B O3 G A B D G F# Rs G Rs F# Rs 43-97-B7-DB-13-C7-DA-97-B7-DB-17-49-29-19-29-DA-B4-97-77-67-43-C7-07-27-47-23-15-D9-95... E A B O4 C# Rs O3 A B O4 C# E D C# D O3 C A G F# E Rs C D E D C# O2 A F8-08-EE-DA-20-C5-F8-04-E1-29-19-D9-B9-DA-19-F8-08-EE-20-C5-F8-04-E1-69-49-29-49-F8-08-EE... N.Instrm O3 D Rs N.Instrm D C# O2 B O3 C# N.Instrm D Rs N.Instrm F# E D E N.Instrm 60-C5-F8-04-E1-99-79-69-79-F8-08-EE-90-F8-04-E1-69-49-29-19-49-29-19-D9-A9-D0-86-83 F# Rs N.Instrm A G F# G N.Instrm A N.Instrm F# E D C# E D C# O2 A# Lp 34396 Ending 3441C Acompaniment FB-F8-07-E2... Allegretto, Moderate note length D8-B9-C9-D9-69-C9-D8-B9-C9-D9-69-C9-D8-B9-C9-D9-79-C9-D8-B9-C9-D9-79-C9-D8-B9-C9-D9-79-C9... O1 B Rs O2 F# Rs O1 B Rs O2 F# Rs O1 B Rs O2 G Rs O1 B Rs O2 G Rs O1 B Rs O2 G Rs D8-B9-C9-D9-79-C9-19-C9-99-C9-19-C9-99-C9-29-C9-99-C9-29-C9-99-C9-29-C9-B9-C9-29-C9-B9-C9... O1 B Rs O2 G Rs C# Rs A Rs C# Rs A Rs D Rs A Rs D Rs A Rs D Rs B Rs D Rs B Rs 29-C9-B9-C9-29-C9-B9-C9-19-C9-99-C9-19-C9-99-C9-99-C9-99-C9-C5-99-C9-99-C9-C5-69-C9-69-C9... D Rs B Rs D Rs B Rs C# Rs A Rs C# Rs A Rs A Rs A Rs Rs A Rs A Rs Rs F# Rs F# Rs C5-69-C9-69-C9-C5-B9-C9-B9-C9-C5-B9-C9-B9-C9-C5-DA-19-C9-19-C9-C5-19-C9-19-C9-C5-D9-99-C9... Rs F# Rs F# Rs Rs B Rs B Rs Rs B Rs B Rs Rs O3 C# Rs C# Rs Rs C# Rs C# Rs Rs O2 A Rs 99-C9-C5-99-C9-99-C9-C5-69-C9-69-C9-C5-69-C9-69-C9-C5-49-C9-79-C9-49-C9-79-C9-49-C9-79-C9... A Rs Rs A Rs A Rs Rs F# Rs F# Rs Rs F# Rs F# Rs Rs E Rs G Rs E Rs G Rs E Rs G Rs 49-C9-79-C9-49-C9-79-C9-49-C9-79-C9-99-79-69-49-69-49-29-19-F8-08-EE-65-25-75-25-97-97-27... E Rs G Rs E Rs G Rs E Rs G Rs A G F# E F# E D C# N.Instrm F# D G D A A D 97-75-45-D2-CA-84-65-25-75-25-97-97-27-97-65-45-D0-1D-84 A G E 2Rp344DA F# D G D A A D A F# E Lp 3442D Ending Bass FB-F8-08-EC... Allegretto Moderate note length D8-B3-D9-43-73-95-75-23-73-B3-97-49-C9-19-C9-D8-99-C9-C7-67-D9-19-C9-69-C9-C7-D8-69-C9-D9... O1 B O2 E G A G D G B A E Rs C# Rs O1 A Rs Rs F O2 O1 Rs F Rs rS O1 F Rs O2 67-19-C9-C7-D8-B7-D9-69-C9-B9-C9-C7-D8-B9-C9-D9-B7-69-C9-C7-D8-77-D9-29-C9-79-C9-C7-D8-79... F C# Rs Rs O1 B O2 F Rs B Rs Rs O1 B Rs O2 B F Rs Rs O1 G O2 D Rs G Rs Rs O1 G C9-D9-77-29-C9-C7-D8-97-D9-49-C9-99-C9-C7-D8-99-C9-D9-97-49-C9-C7-D8-67-D9-19-C9-69-C9-C7... Rs O2 G D Rs Rs O1 A O2 E Rs A Rs Rs O1 A Rs O2 A E O2 Rs O1 F O2 C# Rs F O2 Rs D8-69-C9-D9-67-19-C9-C7-D8-B7-D9-69-C9-B9-C9-C7-D8-B9-C9-D9-B7-69-C9-07-DA-09-C9-D9-07-DA... O1 F Rs O2 F C# Rs Rs O1 B O2 F Rs B Rs Rs O1 Rs Rs O2 B F Rs C O3 A Rs O2 C O3 09-C9-D9-07-DA-09-C9-D9-07-DA-09-C9-D8-97-D9-99-C9-D8-97-D9-99-C9-D8-97-D9-99-C9-D8-97-D9... C Rs O2 C O3 C Rs O2 C O3 C Rs O1 A O2 A Rs O1 A O2 A Rs O1 A O2 A Rs O1 A O2 99-C9-27-99-C9-C7-99-C9-27-B9-C9-C7-B9-C9-27-DA-19-C9-C7-19-C9-D9-27-B9-C9-C7-B9-C9... A Rs D A Rs Rs A Rs D B Rs Rs B Rs D O3 C# Rs Rs C# Rs O2 D B Rs Rs B Rs D2-83-85-27-99-C9-C7-99-C9-27-B9-C9-C7-B9-C9-27-DA-19-C9-C7-19-C9-D9-67-DA-19-C9-D9-67-DA... 2Rp34593 D A Rs Rs A Rs D B Rs Rs B Rs D O3 C# Rs Rs C# Rs O2 F O3 C# Rs O2 F O3 19-C9-D0-E8-84 C3 Rs Lp 344F8 FB-F8-08-E1.. Allegretto Moderate note length D9-69-79-89-79-69-79-89-A9-89-79-39-09-69-79-89-79-69-79-89-A9-89-79-39-09-39-49-79-A9-B9... O2 F# G G# G F# G G# A# G# G D# C F# G G# G F# G G# A# G# G D# C D# E G A# B DA-09-19-09-D9-B9-DA-09-19-39-19-09-D9-89-59-B9-DA-09-19-09-D9-B9-DA-09-19-39-19-09-D9-89... O3 C C# C O2 B O3 C C# D# C# C O2 G# F B O3 C C# C O2 B O3 C C# D# C# C O2 G# 59-DA-09-D9-A9-89-59-D1-C4-85-F8-07-EE-DA-79-89-72-C7-C5-A5-95-85-D1-0A-86-DB-09-19-02-C7... F O3 C O2 A# G# F Rp 345D4 N.Instrm O3 G G# G Rs Rs A# A G# Rp 3461A O4 C C# C Rs C5-35-25-15-D1-19-86-D0-C1-85 Rs D# D C# Rp 34629 Lp 345D1 FB-F8-06-E1... Allegretto Semi-Moderate note Length D8-77-C5-77-C5-C5-77-C7-77-C7-77-C7-D9-07-C5-07-C5-07-C5-07-C5-07-C7-D1-2C-86-F8-08-EB-25... O1 G Rs G Rs Rs G Rs G Rs G Rs O2 C Rs C Rs C Rs C Rs C Rs Rp 3463C N.Instrm D 07-55-27-73-57-57-47-47-37-37-D1-46-86-75-57-A5-77-DA-03-D9-A7-A7-97-97-87-87-D1-57-86... C F D G F F E E D# D# Rp 34656 G F A# G O3 C O2 A# A# A A G# G# Rp 34667 D0-29-86 Lp 34639 FB-F8-08-EC... Allegretto Moderate note length D9-07-C5-07-C5-C5-07-C7-07-C7-07-C7-57-C5-57-C5-57-C5-57-C5-57-C7-D1-6E-86-77-6C-5C-4C-57... O2 C Rs C Rs Rs C Rs C Rs C Rs F Rs F Rs F Rs F Rs F Rs Rp 3467E G F# F E F 67-77-6C-5C-4C-57-67-77-6C-5C-4C-A7-DA-07-D9-97-B7-87-A7-D1-87-86-DA-07-D9-BC-AC-9C-A7-B7... F# G F# F E F F# G F# F E A# O3 C O2 A B G# A# Rp 34697 O3 C O2 B A# A A# B DA-07-D9-BC-AC-9C-A7-B7-DA-07-D9-BC-AC-9C-DA-37-57-27-47-17-37-D1-A2-86-D0-6B-86 O3 C O2 B A# A A# B O3 C O2 B A# A O3 D# F D E C# D# Rp 346B2 Lp 3467B FB-F8-08-EE... Allegretto Moderate note Length D9-B3-85-B5-A5-85-65-A5-80-C3-B3-DA-15-D9-B5-A5-85-65-DA-45-30-F8-08-E2-C5-D9-3C-5C-6C-7C... O2 B G# B A# G# F# A G# Rs B O3 C# O2 B A# G# F# O3 E D# N.Instrm Rs O2 D# F F# G 8C-9C-F8-08-EC-A3-B5-DA-15-D9-B5-A5-85-DA-35-13-35-45-33-D9-B3-C3-DA-35-15-D9-B5-A5-85-B5... G# A N.Instrm A# B O3 C# O2 B A# G# O3 D# C# D# E D# O2 B Rs O3 D# C# O2 B A# G# G F8-08-EE-A0-C3-D0-C6-86 N.Instrm A# Rs Lp 346D6 FB-F8-03-EB... Allegretto Moderate note Length D8-B7-D9-37-17-37-D8-B7-D9-37-17-37-D8-A7-D9-37-17-37-D8-A7-D9-37-17-37-D8-87-D9-37-17-37... O1 B O2 D# C# D# O1 B O2 D# C# D# O1 A# O2 D# C# D# O1 A# O2 D# C# D# O1 G# O2 D# C# D# D8-87-D9-37-17-37-D8-A7-D9-37-17-37-D8-A7-D9-37-17-37-D8-B7-D9-37-17-37-D8-B7-D9-37-17-37... O1 G# O2 D# C# D# O1 A# O2 D# C# D# O1 A# O2 D# C# D# O1 B O2 D# C# D# O1 B O2 D# C# D# D8-A7-D9-37-17-37-D8-A7-D9-37-17-37-D8-87-D9-37-17-37-D8-87-D9-37-17-37-D8-87-D9-17-D8-B7... O1 A# O2 D# C# D# O1 A# O2 D# C# D# O1 G# O2 D# C# D# O1 G# O2 D# C# D# O1 G# O2 C# O1 B D9-17-D8-87-D9-17-D8-B7-D9-17-F8-03-E2-37-37-C7-D8-A7-D9-37-37-C7-D8-A7-D9-37-37-C7-D8-B7... O2 C# O1 G# O2 C# O1 B O2 C# N.Instrm D# D# Rs O1 A# O2 D# D# Rs O1 A# O2 D# D# Rs O1 B D9-37-37-C7-D8-B7-D9-47-47-C7-17-47-47-C7-17-67-67-C7-37-67-67-C7-37-F8-08-EE-83-C7... O2 D# D# Rs O1 B O2 E E Rs C# E E Rs C# F F Rs D# F F Rs D# N.Instrm G# Rs F8-03-EB-D8-B7-D9-47-87-F8-08-EE-43-C7-F8-03-EB-D8-87-D9-17-47-F8-08-EE-73-C7-F8-03-EB-D8... N.Instrm O1 B O2 E G# N.Instrm E Rs N.Instrm O1 G# O2 C# E N.Instrm G Rs N.Instrm O1 A7-D9-37-77-D8-77-A7-D9-17-47-77-47-17-D8-A7-D0-0E-87 A# O2 D# G O1 G A# O2 C# E G E C# O1 A# Lp 3471E FB-F8-08-EC D9-89-C9-89-C9-C5-C3-69-C9-69-C9-C5-C3-49-C9-49-C9-C5-C3-69-C9-69-C9-C5-C3-89-C9-89-C9-C5-C3-69 C9-69-C9-C5-C3-49-C9-49-C9-C5-C3-59-C9-59-C9-C5-C3-79-C9-79-C9-C7-C5-DA-37-77-37-D9-89-C9 89-C9-C7-C5-DA-37-87-37-D9-A9-C9-A9-C9-C7-C5-DA-67-A7-67-D9-B9-C9-B9-C9-C7-C5-DA-67-B7-67 41-11-31-41-D0-D6-87 FB-F8-08-EC C5-D9-B5-95-B5-DA-05-D9-B5-95-B5-F8-0A-DA-23-D9-90-F8-08 C5-DA-05-D9-B5-DA-05-25-05-D9-B5-DA-05-F8-0A-43-D9-B0-F8-08-C5-DA-45-65-75-65-45-25-05-25 D9-95-B5-DA-05-D9-B3-C7-87-97-B7-DA-02-25-05-D9-B5-95-75-F8-0A-DA-20-C3-D0-3D-88 FB-F8-08-EE C5-D9-25-05-25-45-25-05-D8-B5-91-D9-65-45-25-05-D8-95-D9-45-25-45-65-45-25-05-D8-B1-D9 85-65-45-25-F8-06-E1-C7-47-77-47-C7-47-77-47-C7-67-97-67-C7-67-97-67-C7-27-57-27-C7-27-57 27-C7-D8-B7-D9-47-D8-B7-C7-B7-D9-47-D8-B7-C7-D9-07-47-07-C7-07-47-07-C7-D8-97-D9-07-D8-97 C7-97-D9-07-D8-97-D9-27-57-27-57-27-57-27-57-27-67-27-67-27-67-27-67-D0-8D-88 FB-F8-08-EC D9-79-C9-79-C6-29-C9-79-C9-79-C6-29-C9-79-C9-79-C6-29-C9-79-C9-79-C6-29-C9-69-C9-69-C6-29 C9-69-C9-69-C6-29-C9-69-C9-69-C6-29-C9-69-C9-69-C6-29-C9-99-C9-99-C6-49-C9-99-C9-99-C6-49 C9-99-C9-99-C6-49-C9-99-C9-99-C6-49-C9-89-C9-89-C6-49-C9-89-C9-89-C6-49-C9-89-C9-89-C6-49 C9-89-C9-89-C6-49-C9-DA-09-C9-D9-79-C9-DA-09-C9-D9-79-C9-DA-09-C9-D9-79-C9-DA-09-C9-D9-79 C9-DA-29-C9-D9-99-C9-DA-29-C9-D9-99-C9-DA-29-C9-D9-99-C9-DA-29-C9-D9-99-C9-B9-C9-59-C9-B9 C9-59-C9-B9-C9-59-C9-B9-C9-59-C9-DA-49-C9-D9-B9-C9-DA-49-C9-D9-B9-C9-DA-49-C9-D9-B9-C9-DA 49-C9-D9-B9-C9-99-C9-99-C6-DA-49-C9-D9-99-C9-99-C6-DA-49-C9-D9-59-C9-59-C6-DA-59-C9-D9-59 C9-59-C6-DA-59-C9-D9-A9-C9-DA-A9-C9-D9-A9-C9-DA-A9-C9-D9-A9-C9-DA-A9-C9-D9-A9-C9-DA-A9-C9 25-05-D9-B5-95-D0-04-89 FB-F8-08-EE-D9-95-A5-DA-01-C3-77-57-47-57-22-D9-A5-73-DA-57-47-27 47-02-D9-95-63-DA-27-07-D9-A7-97-A3-C7-77-97-A7-DA-03-D9-95-A5-DA-01-03-77-57-47-57-22-D9 A5-73-DA-57-47-27-47-02-D9-95-63-DA-27-07-D9-A7-97-A3-A7-77-97-A7-DA-01-C5-05-25-45-75-55 45-55-43-05-D9-95-DA-21-C5-25-45-55-75-55-45-55-73-25-95-73-D9-95-A5-D0-06-8A Rough Location of all music: 340D0-53B26